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Parakissshow crazy about Show Alan Luo
18 juillet 2007


《转角遇到爱》“小猪”女佣服 《转角遇到爱》“小猪”女佣服 《转角遇到爱》“小猪”女佣服 罗志祥 新浪娱乐讯 王子和公主的童话故事时刻都在发生,只是这次的主角是罗志祥( blog)和大S。当卖台湾小吃蚵仔煎的落魄“小猪”遇上金光闪闪大小姐“大S”时,丘比特之箭就自然而然地射出了……从7月上旬开始,《转角遇到爱》已经在内地多家电视台轰炸式播出。 在《转角遇到爱》中罗志祥饰演一个“蚵仔煎”王子,虽然自己的兴趣在画画方面,但因为外婆的反对无法继续。为了实现当画家的梦想,他去了上海和 人家谈出版画册的事情,因为带的钱都被骗光了,所以留在上海的“幸福131”小吃店卖煎蚵仔。偶然的情况下认识了大S饰演的俞心蕾,从此展开了一段缘份。...
12 juillet 2007

Barbie Hsu and Alan Show Luo hope to collaborate with Andy, Thursday July 12, 2007 Taiwan/ Hong Kong

Barbie Hsu and Alan Show Luo hope to collaborate with Andy, Thursday July 12, 2007 Taiwan/ Hong Kong
Source :: Sina.comTranslated by Leonard from Andy Lau Sounds Taiwanese drama Corner * With Love would be telecast on Zhejiang TV station, leads Barbie Hsu and Alan Show Luo were interviewed as they talked about Andy Lau. When asked about which actor that...
12 juillet 2007

大S畅谈私人情感 和罗志祥在“转角遇到爱”

人民网·天津视窗7月11日电:“落难公主”遇上穷小子画家,兜兜转转的浪漫爱情,最终修成正果!“大S”徐熙媛和“小猪”罗志祥两大台湾当红艺人联袂演 绎的唯美偶像剧,闭着眼睛都可以想像该有多“台湾”、多“言情”。该剧今晚将在浙江经视播出,昨天下午,杭城媒体电话连线台湾采访剧中两位男女主角。和因 患感冒说话瓮声瓮气不在状态的“小猪”相比,“大S”果然不愧能说会道的主持人,而且毫不避讳之前经纪公司交待过不要问的那些敏感话题。 生活中不算“难搞”剧中“大S”扮演的富家公主未落难时骄傲、自负、任性,不少性格被认为和自己有几分相似,她倒也不否认,大方表示感觉确实有点像,但那...
9 juillet 2007

《转角遇到爱》登陆湖北 大S、罗志祥的爱情童话

由大S和罗志祥主演的偶像剧《转角遇到爱》,在横扫台湾,创下荧屏奇迹之后,又将登陆内地,掀起新一轮收视高潮。昨日,记者从湖北电视台综合频道获悉,该剧将于今晚起,每晚三集在该频道黄金剧场开播。 这部洋溢着轻松喜剧色彩的偶像剧,是台湾“偶像剧之母”柴志屏继《流星花园》之后又一力作。由人气偶像大S和红遍 港澳台的“小猪”罗志祥的首度联袂合作,演绎出一段令人心动的浪漫爱情童话。养尊处优的俞心蕾(大S饰)从小生长在上海,过着公主式的生活。对插画有着浓烈兴趣的秦朗(罗志祥饰),因来到上海洽谈出版画册的事宜被骗走了所有的钱财,只好暂时打工以赚取回台的路费。一场转角的车祸,让秦朗和心蕾相遇。这也使两个原本不同世界的人,变成了好朋友,上演一段历经波折的爱情故事。...
18 juin 2007

Xiao Zhu kissed Da S, willing to be kicked into the water, Monday June 18, 2007 Hongkong

Xiao Zhu kissed Da S, willing to be kicked into the water, Monday June 18, 2007 Hongkong
Xiao Zhu kissed Da S, willing to be kicked into the water Xiao Zhu and Da S came to HK for their idol drama Corner With Love promo, which they acted as lovers. Because of the series, Da S smiled and said that many tourists came to Snack corner street...
18 juin 2007

罗志祥难忘同大S激吻 扬言“好想谈恋爱”

罗志祥难忘同大S激吻 扬言“好想谈恋爱” 2007年06月18日07:19 新浪娱乐 鬼马的小猪和大S,俨如一对欢喜冤家 新浪娱乐讯 罗志祥 (blog)(小猪)和徐熙媛(大S)赴香港为有线娱乐台播映的《转角遇到爱》宣传,二人表示合作愉快。大S坦言难忘与小猪于水中激吻一幕,小猪更表示完成该剧后令他“好想谈恋爱”! 在台湾收视高企的《转角遇到爱》即将在香港播映,小猪和大S匆匆来港一天为该剧做宣传,二人希望该剧受香港观众欢迎,但不担心收视的问题。由于《转角遇到爱》的故事发展与台湾小吃蚵仔煎有关,大S透露很多人看完该剧后,纷纷到台湾一尝当地小食的滋味。...
16 juin 2007

Xiao Zhu et Da S à Hong Kong

Xiao Zhu et Da S à Hong Kong
Vidéo Xiao Zhu et Da S à Hong Kong: ICI ICI
15 juin 2007

Xiao Zhu et Da S à Hong Kong pour promouvoir Corner With Love

Xiao Zhu et Da S à Hong Kong pour promouvoir Corner With Love
Xiao Zhu et Da S à Kong Kong pour promouvoir la série Corner With Love. La Vidéo: ICI
14 juin 2007

Da S & Xiao Zhu attended Cable-I Event ; Da S Denies Break up Rumors, Thursday June 14, 2007 Hongkong

Da S & Xiao Zhu attended Cable-I Event ; Da S Denies Break up Rumors, Thursday June 14, 2007 Hongkong
Xiao Zhu is not only popular in Taiwan, but is also loved by his Hong Kong fans. Yesterday, he and Da S arrived at the airport, where hundred of fans came to meet them. Last night Xiao Zhu attended the Cable-1 party, and his fans stayed outside to show...
1 mai 2007

Xiao Zhu and Da S Invited to HK to Promote

Xiao Zhu and Da S Invited to HK to Promote
Corner With Love starring Luo Zhi Xiang (Xiao Zhu) and Xu Xi Yuan (Da S) was very popular when it was broadcast in Taiwan, and Cable-I has spent a lot of money to buy this drama to air at the end of May. To strengthen promotion for the show, Cable-I sincerely...
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Parakissshow crazy about Show Alan Luo